Shaun Doyle brings the mountain folk of Roanoke, VA, to classical-influenced melodies, resulting in a nuanced sound that bends genre with deeply resonant lyrics and uplifting swells of rock. Musical influences include Neil Young, Iron & Wine, King Crimson, Elliot Smith, and Sufjan Stevens. All His Days is his first full length album. Currently seeking an agent and record label.
Shaun Doyle – “Fading Out”
"This alt rock vibe has a really unique tone to it. Whether it’s from the lead vocal’s falsetto style or the overall groove, the song feels special. There’s no easy comparison for it and it really seems to carve out its own path. The feeling at the heart of the lyrics of having a partner that shines so bright that they fade you out… wow, that hits hard. It’s a deeper song than it might seem at first blush and it’s really artfully delivered." -Ear to the Ground Music
"Sometimes it just takes a brilliant tune and the rest comes naturally. 'Hello Again' by Shaun Doyle is such a self-starter. No, it is not a cover version of the old Carpendale Gassenhauer. It's just a beautiful love song in Frank Turner style. , And in the end, just you and me, you made me everything I am '. Howie could not have written it any better." -We Love that Sound